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High School


   Career & Technical Ed

   English Language Arts



   Physical Education


   Social Studies



Middle School

   8th Grade

   7th Grade

   6th Grade


Elementary School

   5th Grade

   4th Grade

   3rd Grade

   2nd Grade

   1st Grade


As part of our efforts to empower all learners, the Ballard Community School District is transitioning to Standards Referenced Grading (SRG) to improve our grading practices. 


SRG will allow us to consistently and clearly communicate students' current proficiency in meeting standards so that grades are an accurate reflection of their learning. With SRG, students will understand where they are and where they need to be by the end of each class or grade level. ​


This webpage serves as a clearinghouse for information, key links, fact sheets, and other resources for our students and families as we make this important transition. 

A 3-Phase Approach

We will implement SRG in phases, starting in fall 2022.


Phase I: Fall 2022

  • K-8 grade levels (with the exception of PE/Health, Music, Art, Agriculture, and FCS)


Phase II: Fall 2023

  • K-8 PE/Health, Music, Art, Computer Science and FCS courses


Phase III: Fall 2024

  • All 9th-12th grade courses


Guiding Principles for Grading

1) Consistent: Student performance of the same academic level will receive the same grade, even if the teacher is different. Teachers will only use grading practices that accurately communicate achievement, not those that distort accuracy.


2) Clear: A 4-point scale will be used in all courses. Grades will be determined, not calculated, by a body of student evidence.


3) Meaningful Communication: Student behaviors that contribute to college and career readiness will be reported separately from the academic grade. Feedback related to clear learning targets will be timely and help students reflect and improve their performance on upcoming practice and assessment opportunities.


4) Supportive of Student Learning: Students will have multiple opportunities to practice without penalty and to demonstrate their proficiency.

Our Grading Vision Statement

Ballard Community School District commits to consistently and clearly communicating students' current proficiency in meeting standards, so grades are a reflection of student learning.


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Ballard Community School District

509 N. Main Avenue

Huxley, IA 50124

District Website

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